The Walking Highschool Musical Voidian
(Dramatically tangent)
Species: Undefined
Creation Date: Unknown
Revival Date: (8/25/2019)
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'8
Sexuality: No Label (Asexual[default])
Theo is a.. very interesting creature to say the least.


Nobody really knows what he is. Some assume he's a rhino, a cat, a bird, or all together. But truthfully, he was just created like this. He, like the rest of The Berry Cheero, was forgotten and had to stay in the deep dark void (Different from the regular void). However, he was NEVER BORED! He is a passionate adventurer and always finds himself in all kinds of shenanigans because he has no sense of moderate fear.
He has fought wars and battles that have not even existed. He basically just has a very creative imagination and loves seeing himself as a romantic hero. One day, as he was reciting Shakespeare or something, a horrific creature appeared from the sky. He was ready to fight and make himself a hero, but it turned out to be the creator, who was like “Oh, you exist. You ugly. Let me fix that.” So he was tossed into the void as a handsome, yet questionable, creature. He instantly became the “popular kid” of the group.
As the extrovert of the group, Theo LOVES making friends. When you create plays for a living you gotta get a team in order to put them into action! This is why he absolutely stays in touch with all of the voidians! Except for the creator, they suck
Harmony: Theo thinks of her as an AMAZING friend. He constantly wants her to participate in his Instagram thing, yet doesn’t understand why she does not share his excitement over certain things. He constantly borrows her as a musician to play songs for his plays, or just to set the mood whenever he goes into his improv
DB: Theo has absolute respect for this little birb. However, he is also terrified of him to a certain degree. Not in a “AAAAAA BIRB!!” sense, but in the “This little creature can break every single one of my bones” sense. He used to compete with DB in all kinds of sports (including arm wrestling), but he has started to avoid competitions with him after each time Theo… well, GETS ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHED!
Lillia: He finds her as the most beautiful woman in the void. If there’s anyone he wants to impress, it’d be her. He is always there to get her gifts and attention, while also admiring her confidence and steadiness. He (secretly but very obviously) feels loved and accepted by her. He's just HELPLEEEESSS
Arthur: Theo loves spending time with Arthur! They share pretty much the same energy levels, plus Arthur loves listening to Theo’s stories. They love going on the adventures together and Theo is always there to show the wondrous world of the void to this child. Even if Arthur knows much more than him
Ozone: A precious baby that must be protected at all cost, who also makes a very nice tech manager! Theo can always trust him with scriptwriting, lighting, staging, and all kinds of technical stuff (Ozone doesn’t mind). He is also one of Theo's big inspirations.
Joan Cozy: WHAT A NOICE FELLA! Theo is constantly impressed by their creativity and art skills. He would often borrow them to help with designing the stage and props for his plays. Theo was in a desperate need for one and was not a fan of always asking for the Creator's help
Random Things to know
-His main purpose is to just be his confident self and a bit of a dork
-He goes by the nickname Strawberry
-He's part of a trio named The Berry Cheero
-He is one of the lucky ones to escape the void for some time to explore a different universe not within or that's been created under the creator's control. He and his “alien” friend (named Adam) explore this forbidden Earth, where he has made a bunch of discoveries, like Instagram, and coffee
-His energy levels are OVER 9000 which causes him to have insomnia
-He loves shiny things and frogs
-Does he have a neck? WHO KNOWS! It could possibly spin for all we know!
-His wings can switch from tiny floaty dusters to BIG n MAJESTIC physical wings! Though he only uses them whenever he's feeling MAJESTIC or for flight (which rarely happens)
-FUN FACT! Don’t give him coffee! Seriously. Sure, he may look fierce and cool, but other than that, it would be catastrophic. Yes, I’m looking at you, Adam! ARE YOU CRAZY? Starbucks? Just give him the decaf. I swear to your world's creator. It will be a DISASTER
-ThornBerry Theo is a energy overloaded DEMON. Stay FAR away from this form as it is VERY destructive!! The only way he can revert back to his normal self is when he exerts all his extra energy. This form is very powerful filled with many electrifying powers, even his wings flap so fast that they seem like they aren't moving at all. In this form his sense of humanity and reason are gone and often times Theo would have no memory of being in this form