You have found the SECRET BIO!! Well, its no longer a secret now that you found it. Since I am a reoccurring character why not tell you a bit more of my cartoony self?? Don't want to? Well I'm not forcin ya. This just be for fun :)
(Just note that character me is different from reality me! Don't want people thinking imma murder or somethin like dat!!)
The creator of the Void
Species: Hooman (shapeshifter in The Void)
Birthday: 11/03/2003
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 5'5
Sexuality: Panromantic (questioning Aromantic)
The so-called god of the world they created within their mind and drawing pen. Using the Void as a get away place from reality and to satisfy their dark desires for chaos. Using their creations as targets to take out their murderous tendencies and/or frustrations. Believing that if they don't, they might accidently cause issues in the real world which they fear. They may seem like a cold-hearted, chaotic, creepy, psychopathic creature of power, but they are actually not what they want you believe. You would know if you knew them on a personal level :)
(aka close frends)

Forms that I would take sometimes! It gets tiring being a hooman so why not have a little fun being somethin that is also me but different!

DA RAT!! Me but a furry! I may call myself a rat but I'm more of a mix of rat and floof! This form is mostly used as a disguise to fit in worlds that are mostly populated by furries. I maybe an alien in their world but ya gotta camoflauge within the crowd so ya don't out ya self ya know?

DA FLOOF! A very floofy worm thing with limbs! Able to go from long noodle boi to ball of floof. Also able to hide limbs under all the floof! This form is mostly used for derpy or sneaky purposes

Tizzy Fuzzkin
DA GREMLIN! Smol and a kneecap muncher! Though it is said that if you remove the hat I WOULD DIE!!! Temporary of course but it not nice!! >:(
This form is mostly used for gremlin related purposes
Here's a well known fact! My creations practically HATE me! Kinda! I mean why would you be frends with your creator who uses you as target practice? How much you say? WELL LETS READ SHALL WE?
Harmony: Very complex! You might of thought that she would absolutely hate every bit of my being but uhh you would be kinda right! I torture her the most so its understandable but I also care for her at times which confuses her! Either way, on the list of who hates me she would be ranked 2nd!
Arthur: This child is too much for me so I don't torture him that much or practically at all! Thanks to Harmony, he doesn't come in contact with me all that much, but he doesn't exactly hate me! He would be ranked 5th on who hates me list
DB: DB (like his bio states) has no sense of background checks and practically loves everyone so yes, he does not exist on the list who hates me. He likes nesting in my hair doe :)
Ozone: Very unsure. He doesn't like me but not so much as hate. Just tries to avoid as much as possible but when I am around he kinda just... deals with it
Lillia: Very chill! Apparently. Not bothered by me all that much. Though I really DON'T appreciate the stupid nicknames she gives me! THEY ARE AWFUL like WHAT IS DR. NOTE?? Anyway she ranks number 4 on the list of who hates me
Theo: The closest one! Thanks to ADAM, me and Theo end up hangin out quite a bit! So he ends up seeing the part of me that isn't just a cold-hearted murderer! So he doesn't hate hate me! But of course he does not trust me, like all the other creations! Ranks number 6 on the list of who hates me
Joan Cozy: Shivers just by looking at me! Avoids me at all costs!! Absolutely hates my guts!! Never really said so but I'm just speculating! Absolutely terrified of me! Never wants to do anything with me! Need I say more? 1st on the list of people who hate me!