The Voidian in the Clouds
Species: Silver Fox
Creation Date: Unknown
Revival Date: (8/25/2019)
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'4
Sexuality: Homoromantic (Homosexual + Asexual[default])
The cinnamon roll of the group, this little blueberry just loves to get his head up in the clouds!

Even though he's not much of a talker, he can definitely go on for hours about the wonders of the skies! But be wary! He may look innocent, well he technically is, but this little fox has.. a dark side.. Let's just say he prefers rabbits or bunnies at a respectable 50 feet away from him. He doesn't want to hurt them

He may be shy but in the void, you simply can't escape the only people you have to spare you from the emptiness and loneliness the void brings! That and Ozone wanting frends to talk about clouds to!
Harmony: A complicated case. Ozone tends to get nervous around Harmony as he fears he would hurt her anytime she would turn into a bunny. Even though it only happens in April, Ozone still fears he would attack her at any moment, so he tries to stay FAR away from her. He still doesn't understand why she tries to befriend him.
Theo: Ozone's older brother figure! These two would often collaborate whenever Theo needs help with scripting his romantic plays. Turns out Ozone's knowledge of the skies really help with romance. He only wishes that Theo would stop treating him like a child.
Lillia: Older sister! Ozone loves to hangout with Lillia since she so chill that he can go on and on with cloud talk. She's the first person that Ozone goes to whenever he needs a person to talk to. Thanks to her, Ozone picked up new hobbies so he has more things to talk about other than clouds! He feels very comfortable around her
DB: Sky expert! Not really... but both are one with the sky so that's neat! Ozone loves to travel with DB whenever he needs a birbs eye view! He would also go into his hour long conversations but DB would always forget them
Arthur: The child that Ozone struggles to connect. Ozone tries his best to build some sort of connection with him but Arthur always seems to get bored real quick when it comes to the cloud convos. At least he tries!
Joan Cozy: A bit of a chaotic combination. These two are the shy beans that turn into crackheaded beans when they are together. Ozone can talk with Joan for weeks on end and not get bored. He would often request Joan to paint pictures for him that, of course, consist of clouds and the beautiful sky. Joan doesn't mind as it gives them a reason to practice painting clouds
Random Things to know
-Cloud obsessed (no duh)
-His "injuries" are unknown (even he doesn't know how he got them) but it is said that his ear was cleaved due to a creation defect
-He has baby fangs
-He goes by the nickname Blueberry
-He's part of a trio named The Berry Cheero
-Has a weird dislike towards eating berries (he likes them but doesn't feel right eating them)
-Has a bit of Eisoptrophobia (fear of mirrors)
-Besides anything that has to do with clouds he has picked up gardening, reading, and cooking as hobbies as well
-Whenever he encounters a rabbit or a bunny he goes FERAL. Loosing his sense of reason and memory as he reverts into his fox like instincts. No bunny can survive his attacks (this only applies to feral bunnies, if you are an anthro bunny you're safe)
-He has special mitten hands, the struggle is real
-Has a bit of self-image/body issues