A misfortunate Voidian
Species: Feline
Creation Date: 11/25/2015
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'6
Sexuality: Panromantic (Pansexual + Asexual[default])
The oldest creation to be made and the most traumatized. She has survived many years and gone through so many changes.


She used to be a chill and laidback cat, comfortable with her somewhat safe and not-so-panic inducing life...till 2018 hit and she was never the same. Throughout the years, she would see her friends come and go, she didn't notice it at first but when she witnessed the murder of some of her closest friends, she-to this day-refuses to let them go.
Harmony 2015-18
After the "incident" Harmony developed many mental and physical issues. Trust became one of them as she worries constantly about losing more and or hurting those she is close to. Yet she can't escape them as they are the only people she has and needs to keep her sane
Arthur: After Arthur was created, the first person he saw with his own eyes was Harmony, and ever since then has been calling her mama. Harmony at first did not understand and accept this deer as her child, but after a while, she figured that she was the only protection that Arthur had in the spacious void
DB: A birb that Harmony is very familiar with as these two known each other before the "incident". Though Harmony is very weary of him due to him being the doctor who surgically removed her heart and amputated her arm. She has now convinced herself that DB is not fully at fault and that there was another party to blame, but she still doesn't fully trust him
Ozone: After being introduced by Lillia, Harmony saw herself in Ozone. Both being shy and have "injuries". Now, Harmony sees the issues that Ozone has and tries her best to help him. She may not understand why he keeps avoiding her, but she can understand his "feral" issue, so she doesn't hold any grudges. She just wishes they can talk.
Lillia: The first member of the Berry Cheero that Harmony met. At first Lillia intimidated Harmony but as time goes on Harmony would look up to her, wishing she could be laidback and be free from insecurity. Like how Harmony used to be. She would always ask for Lillia's advise, especially when it came to Arthur. Though Harmony refuses to ask for help from Lillia about the kinds of trauma she's endured. She's scared of what would happen if anyone knew what happened on that day
Theo: The berry member that Harmony is not so buddy buddy with. Theo can be very overwhelming for Harmony as he always gets himself into all kinds of shenanigans' that Harmony would rather stay out of. Though Harmony would always find herself playing music for Theo's "theatrical plays" since Harmony is the only one who can read and somewhat play music. The two have a sibling like relationship
Joan Cozy: Ever since Harmony found Joan, they've become nearly inseparable. Harmony recognizes that Joan has developed issues that the creator may have caused so she tries her best to help them even though she cannot help her own issues. Since Joan is unable to be alone due to their anxiety, they stay with Harmony and share her room making them roommates.
Random Things to know
-She loves Hot Cocoa or anything warm
-She's forgotten what being warm feels like (always cold, no body heat)
-She has/had complete Heterochromia
-Huge music lover, classical and ambient are her favorite genres
-Harmony has Pediophobia (fear of dolls)
-Harmony tends to sleep during the day since she struggles with constant vivid nightmares at night, she could even fall asleep while standing up
-Harmony can sing but only if she's alone
-She's technically a walking ragdoll
-Her eye bleeds whenever she's crying, stressed out, scared, embarrassed, or nervous/anxious
-Besides playing music, Harmony can also sew, though it's not as good as her musical skills