Dr. Birb
The Voidian's one and only doktor
Species: Birb (not bird)
Creation Date: 12/31/2016
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: Flexible
Sexuality: Panromantic (Pansexual + Asexual[default])
A birb with a degree in doktoring! Well, not really but he's the only one who does an okay job at it!

He may have not gone to any sort of medical education schools but he does... an alright job as a doctor. He is the embodiment of derp. The way he speaks and writes are all in his own language which is just called the Birb-Language. All-n-all a sweet and fun little buddy for your medical needs!
DB has no sense of background checks. He sees you, hugs you, and then befriends you. He hugs anyone on sight
Harmony: Frequent patient and old friend
Arthur: Constantly running away patient but a fun adventure buddy
Lillia: She TALL
Theo: Favorite Arm wrestling competitor
Joan Cozy: Good nest, floofy hair
Random Things to know
-He has a business card but you would have to go on a scavenger hunt in his feathered hair
-Cross is painted by himself
-Amazing at arm wrestling, currently the champion in the Void
-He wrote his own Phd just to warn you
-He is a size shifter but he often forgets that fact
-He specializes in surgery stuff...kinda
-He's a terrible singer
-He is the lost-n-found
-We don't know what kind of species of bird he is, all we know is that he is a birb
-He has a terrible memory
-He once had a companion
-He might be dyslexic
-DB has a werebirb and dragobirb forms but he has forgotten he even has them