The Adventure Filled Voidian
Species: Deer (Possibly a Pudú)
Creation Date: 3/9/2018
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'0? 4'11?
Sexuality: No label (Asexual[default])
The hyperactive deer that loves to explore the vastness of the Void

Of course, he could never go alone as it is unsafe for the child to go into the unknown alone but, out of everyone, Arthur knows a lot about the geography within the Void's many doors. He is also a sweet and a very understanding child thanks to his "mama", so be prepared to be showered in tons of drawings!
Arthur has no trouble with trusting anyone in the void! Despite what his "mama" tells him, he sees good in everyone! Though he's not so sure about the creator. After what Harmony has told him, Arthur is not sure what to think about them
Harmony: BEST MOM EVER though she frequently forgets about that. Arthur does everything he can to make her happy. Even though they have different energy levels, Arthur understands that she can't exactly join him on his adventures. He would gift her all kinds of things like drawings, hot cocoa (with a mountain of marshmallows), and just anything to make her smile. Whenever he can't sleep, has nightmares, or just wants affection he would always ask for Harmony's permission to cuddle
DB: The healing companion that Arthur often travels with on his adventures. Incase anything goes horribly wrong, DB is there to save the day! (Thanks to Harmony making sure Arthur is safe during these "adventures") Though whenever Arthur gets a bruise or cut he typically avoids DB cause he thinks, "I can handle it! I don't need a doctor! Imma big boi!"
Ozone: THE- sky nerd? Older brother? Arthur doesn't really talk with him. All he knows is that Ozone likes plants and the sky. He would sometimes bump into him on his adventures but that's about it. He's ok
Lillia: MOM NUMBER 2 or aunt? He's unsure but he is sure that she is a chill, cool mom! Perhaps too chill as she lets him get away with practically anything, Harmony is not so chill with that. Then again, if Harmony wants to be alone, Lillia is the one to trust with babysitting.
Theo: The Funcle Uncle of the family. The bravest and strongest voidian in the void! (at least that's what Arthur thinks). Arthur can always rely on Theo to lead the way on their adventures. No matter where they are they'll never get stuck thanks to Theo's trusty wings. Overall Arthur loves to play and hangout with Theo
Joan Cozy: Fun art friend! Arthur loves to draw with Joan and learn their ways of arting! Even though Arthur is confused with Joan's identity, he tries his best to understand and correct his misunderstandings. What he doesn't understand is why they are more closer to Harmony than Arthur is to her, he finds that weird! Either way they get along well!
Random Things to know
- He cannot sit still (ADHD perhaps?)
-Besides adventuring being his main hobby he likes to draw from time to time!
-He is quite an optimistic deer!
-How does he never get lost? He's quite the professional
-It is uncertain if he will ever grow or stay as a child forever
-He is a herbivore (obviously)
-Hates eggs
-He has a wild imagination